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Storage And Handling of Loose Laid Dance Vinyls

Before rolling up your dance vinyl make sure it is perfectly dust free. Hopefully you thoroughly cleaned the vinyl prior to rolling your vinyl up. The dirt on the floor will, like a magnet, stick to the bottom and gets rolled up in the vinyl rolls and can cause impressions in your material.

1.Always keep vinyl flooring firmly wound onto the cardboard cores (tubes) from the original packaging. This helps to prevent the flooring from being flattened or dented and makes handling easier. If you lose or damage the cores replace them at once with 4” or larger diameter PVC Pipe. Make sure edges never roll off to one side. If they do, stop rolling, adjust, pull tight and continue rolling.

2. Never store them horizontally on top of each other and never without a core! Sheet vinyl that is loosely rolled may not roll out straight and can cause permanent waves.

3. a. The best way to store a roll of vinyl is on a long metal or wooden bar (through the core) hanging horizontally from strong hooks or a storage rack (please call us for information on our vinyl transporters).

b. Alternatively, store your rolls vertically on end, having first made sure that the roll ends are square. If the roll ends are “telescoped” or not in a perfect upright position, you will stretch and damage the edges.

c. If you have to store the rolls flat, make sure that they are not piled more than two high and do not lay heavy objects on top. Rolled up vinyl rolls stored horizontally on the floor will become wavy. Do not leave them flat on the floor for any length of time.


If stored in cold temperature, the vinyl becomes stiff and is easily damaged. Avoid dropping rolls on the edge. Bring the rolls to room temperature! Always allow at least two hours for the vinyl to acclimate before taping seams. Waiting a day in a warm room between unrolling and taping will give you the best results for the vinyl to relax. Stretching might be necessary with double faced tape applied to the ends of a vinyl run.


A good maintenance program includes thorough dirt and grit control, spill and stain removal. Floor surface protection with walk-off mats, sweeping, mopping and vacuuming all help in the control of loose dirt and grit. Damp mopping, spot cleaning, and washing remove most stains and body oils. Regular adherence to this program assures a longer, less slippery and more attractive life for the floor. Quality name products should be used for consistent results.


Thoroughly wash a new vinyl floor two days after installation. These vinyl floors do not require a finishing coat. They are ready to use as soon as the top surface is dry.


Vacuum regularly. Dust mop to remove loose soil, dirt and grit since these cause surface wear.


A solution of water and mild detergent may be used to scrub the floor. Use of automated equipment is not recommended. Avoid use of ammonia based products. Always spot test cleaners in a small, obscure area to avoid causing damage to the vinyl.


For difficult spots, scuff marks and stains, try, with caution, mineral spirits on a damp cloth. Wash the floors thoroughly after using these products to prevent surface deterioration. Avoid using strong solvents, like cellulose thinners, gasoline or acetone. These solvents will damage your floor. Always spot test when using spot removal solvents.

Call us for specific answers to individual concerns about your Gerstung Floor. Replacement tape is available from:


1400 Copperimine Terrace, Suite 201, Baltimore, Maryland 21209

(410)-337-7070 or FAX (410) 337-0471;

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